Why Governments Should Give Vaping More Support

Public Health England (PHE) seems to be taking the lead when it comes to institutional and regulatory support for the use of electronic cigarettes as a way to reduce the harm that smokers face when they remain addicted to nicotine. The FDA doesn’t appear to be looking at this harm reduction angle when it seeks to regulate e-cigs in the same way as it regulates traditional cigarettes. Dr. Joe Kosterich writes a compelling article which shows that the authorities, such as the Australian government, aren’t being reasonable when they ban or severely restrict the use of e-cigarettes since they will, in effect, be telling smokers that it makes no sense to switch from one heavily restricted product (combustible cigarettes) to another heavily regulated product (e-cigs). Most studies on vaping agree e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than combustible cigarettes. Should the health of existing smokers be left on the line just because “the long-term effects of vaping are unknown”? Read the entire article and come up with your own answers to that and other questions about the mixed messages coming from regulators.